Salient information is given below:
The “Accreditation Certification Examination” of medical physicists specializing in nuclear medicine will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2013.
Requirements for the Examination:
The candidate should have the following criteria for appearing at the certification examination:
• A university degree in Medical Physics/Biomedical Physics/Physics/Applied Physics/Chemistry/Engineering/ (or equivalent) at the postgraduate level
• At least two years (full time equivalent) structured and supervised clinical training undertaken in a hospital, in the department of nuclear medicine, based on IAEA TCS-50 guidelines (available in internet: ).
Registration of candidates:
Office of the Department of Biomedical Physics & Technology, University of Dhaka
Address: Room no. 16, Curzon Hall Building, Dhaka (South East part of the main building)
Examination Fees: Tk. 1000/- for BMPA members, Tk. 2000/- for Non-BMPA members
Examination Date and Time: June 22 (Saturday), 10 am
Place: Candidates should report at Curzon Hall Building, Room No. 16 with registration document.
Registration will start on 1 June, and end on 20June 2013.
For any other information, please contact:
Sadiq R. Malik, MSBS, Ph.D.
Accreditation Committee, BMPA
EC Committee, BMPA
Chief Radiation Oncology Physicist and RSO
Delta Medical College and Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh
© 01749466998